Frequently asked questions

Does somebody have to be there at the pick up point to load the horse?
Yes, for health and safety reasons, we require someone to be there for pick up. We also need someone to confirm we are picking up the correct horse.
If I tell you what colour my horse is, can you go into the paddock and catch it and load it?
No, for the reasons above.
Does somebody have to be there at the delivery point to unload the horse?
Yes, for the reasons above.
If my horse has a cover to go with it, does it wear it on the truck?
Not usually. Some horses may wear a light scrim if it is cooler weather, or when they are travelling at night. The cover can be labelled and travel with the horse in the gear room free of charge.
Does my horse have to wear travelling boots?
No. We are happy to put boots on, as long as your horse is well-used to wearing them. The boots must be provided by you.
Am I required to provide any other horse gear?
All horses must be presented with a halter.
If I have gear to go with the horse, does it cost me extra to transport the gear?
Gear is transported as a courtesy only. There is no charge for gear accompanying a horse, but obviously there is a limited amount of gear that we can accept.
Do you stop to give my horse a break?
Yes, for longer journeys, we have stopovers at our depots throughout the country.
My horse is going from say Auckland to Christchurch - how long will this take?
Depending on the pick up and delivery point, it is usually 2-3 days.
Does it cost me for my horse to stay at your depots?
No, it is included in the fare. The only exception is if you require your horse to stay for an extended period of time at our depot (e.g., if you are shifting and need time to move from one property to another). For this kind of arrangement, there is a nominal charge.
Do you feed and water my horse at your depots?
Yes we do. However, we encourage customers to provide transit feeds for horses who have any special dietary requirements so as not to disrupt their normal feed plan.
How old is a foal supposed to be before it can travel with its mother?
It depends on the size and health of the foal, as well as the distance they are being transported. Please contact our office for specific guidelines.
Is there an age threshold for a horse to travel?
Older horses may find longer distances very stressful. We may accept older horses at our discretion, and only at the owner's risk. We may require a veterinary certificate in some circumstances.
What happens if my horse gets hurt on the truck or falls ill during transit?
Veterinary treatment is organised immediately and the owner/agent is notified if necessary.
What insurance cover do you have for my horse?
Insurance is the owner's responsibility. As per our terms and conditions, transport is “at the owner’s risk.” For further information please see our Terms and Conditions
How soon can you start my job?
We try our best to meet your requirements, but obviously we can’t do everything ‘tomorrow’ as we have previous bookings and schedules to meet. In rare circumstances, some clients have had to wait 3-weeks for our service. But trust us, the wait is worth it for your precious cargo.
Do you accept Visa or MasterCard payments?
Yes, we accept both Visa and MasterCard. Payment must be approved prior to pick up of your horse.
If I don't have an account with you, how can I pay?
We prefer direct payment to our bank account, sighted before we commence the job. Visa or Mastercard is accepted as is cash on delivery or payment on delivery arranged prior to the job commencing.
For further information, please read our Terms and Conditions.

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